How did you use technology?
Technology was the most important thing in the production of the documentary as well as its participation in the research, planning and evaluation. Throughout the duration I used many different types of technology. I used the following technologies.
Video camera
We used a video camera to film our documentary, without it our documentary would not have been filmed.
Mobile phone
I used a mobile phone to record my audience feedback.
Still camera
We used the still camera to document evidence that out documentary was our own work, this also helped us with our audience feedback.
We used a microphone to record the interviews; we used the microphone because the voice recorder on the video camera was not of good quality for what we were doing. We used this on all interviews we did.
We used the tripod to keep all the interviews steady; we felt that it was important to finish with a clean steady product.
During the whole process the computer has been a really important part of the production, this is where we captured the film and edited. We used adobe premiere pro to edit all our filming. The computer was the main product used for research and analyses.
The internet was used for research for the documentary facts, it was also used to help research other documentaries.
Adobe Photoshop
We used this for our print advert, we used one main image.
Adobe audition
We used this to create the radio add this is where we took the audio from the documentary and put into an audition file, we then made and other layer for the voice over.
Adobe premier pro
This is what we used to edit the documentary and where we placed the graphic and voiceover.
We used the scanner to scan the plans we made on paper so we were able to upload them to our blogger.
Ice radio suite
We used the schools ice radio studio to record our voice over, we did it in the studio so we were able to have a clear loud finished voiceover.
Windows movie maker
We used movie maker to create movies so the audio clips where able to be uploaded onto our blogs.
Much more detail is needed with illustrations and interesting presentation